Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fall Family Outfits!

Okay, so I get questions daily asking, "what should we wear?" Everyone thinks that if you take family pictures, everyone needs to wear the same color...not true!!!!
I think the best outfits are just the opposite! Coordinate colors instead of all wearing the same shirt. Just cause dad looks great in a button down white shirt, doesnt mean mom will. Wear clothes that are flattering to each individual and accessorize! Bring on the fedora's and layer up! I love pictures that have scarves, boots, vest and shirts layered! Most of all have fun with colors! Dont stick to just one color but chose 2 or 3! I have provided a few pictures just to give you an idea to create your own unique look!


Yousey Family

This family is just adorable! I love it when people have fun at their sessions and ask to do poses that shows their personality!


Sweet, little Danny

Danny is such a sweet little man! I had so much fun at this session. His parents and I got a good laugh as he decided to"mark" all of us a few times during the shoot!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Love, love, love...

Love when couples are still so smitten for each other!

Sweet Noah

Baby Noah made this newborn session a dream! BEST baby ever!

Beautiful Brash Family

I had the privilage to capture some great memories of this awesome family! 


I had such a fun time taking these senior pictures! Such a beautiful, young lady!